Veikkaus Kultatassu Vapaapelit (Uusi hyvä peli)

Kaikki tämän vuoden loppupuolen aikana Veikkauksen hajasijoitetuissa automaateissa julkaistavat pelit ovat pelattavissa ainoastaan tunnistautumisella. Tähän piiriin kuuluvat sen kolme uutta automaattipeliä: Kultatassu, Lampunhenki ja Viidakkovuori.

Players will need to use their Veikkaus player’s card, an approved mobile app or a bank card connected to Veikkaus’ customer database to identify themselves.The measures will also be put in place on all new slot titles, including Kultatassu, Lampunhenki and Viidakkovuori.The measure is effectively a shift towards account-based slots play and will also allow Veikkaus to introduce further new tools to help prevent problem gambling, including linking machines to its self-exclusion system so players can block access to machines directly from the terminals themselves.Jari Heino, Veikkaus’ director of channels and sales, said: “The transition to mandatory identification is one of Veikkaus’ most important responsibility measures, which aims to prevent gambling problems.

The identification measures will also be applied to all new Veikkaus slot games launched before the end of 2020. Players will need to identify themselves before being permitted to access new titles such as Kultatassu, Lampunhenki and Viidakkovuori.