Ukraina Eurovision laulukilpailussa
Pash's management addressed the accusations stating that she had entered Crimea from the Ukrainian border, and that the certificate had been requested by a "team member" rather than Pash herself. They had assured to be analyzing the circumstances surrounding the obtainment of the document. On 16 February, Pash claimed on an Instagram post that the State Border Guard Service had not been able to provide her with a new certificate as proof of her entrance to Crimea, as she had requested in the wake of the controversy, since related records are only kept for five years. Shortly after, Pash announced on her social media pages that she would withdraw her candidacy as the Ukrainian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest. On the same day, UA:PBC stated it had decided to "cease her participation" and that "the artist agreed with this decision of the organizing committee". On 2 June, Pash admitted to forging the documents and apologised for her actions.
Following the , which led to Ukraine withdrawing from the Eurovision Song Contest that year, a new rule was introduced starting from which bars artists who have performed in since 2014 or have entered "in violation of the legislation of Ukraine" from entering the competition. On 14 February 2022, activist and video blogger alleged that Pash had entered Crimea from Russian territory in 2015, and counterfeited her travel documentation with her team in order to take part in . UA:PBC subsequently stated that they would request the to verify if the documentation is forged, and that Pash would not officially be the Ukrainian representative at the contest "until the verification and clarification of the facts is completed". Andrii Demchenko, speaking on behalf of the Guard Service, maintained that the certificate Pash had handed in to the broadcaster had not been issued by them, but that a request to cross the border had been made by the artist, and that UA:PBC would be provided with the results of the investigation by 16 February at 11:00 (). Chairwoman of the broadcaster's Supervisory Board, , later called a meeting on 18 February in order to discuss the situation surrounding the national final.
11. maaliskuuta 2024 EBU ilmoitti Eurovision laulukilpailun uudistuksista, jotka otettiin käyttöön vuoden 2024 kilpailussa sekä tulevina vuosina. Aiempina vuosina semifinaaleissa näytettiin vain katkelma automaattisten finaalimaiden (Big 5 ja isäntämaa) esityksistä, mutta vuodesta 2024 eteenpäin kyseisessä semifinaalissa äänestävät automaattiset finaalimaat esittävät esityksensä kokonaisuudessaan livenä. Näin ollen taataan kilpailun reiluus, eivätkä katsojat näe automaattisten finaalimaiden esityksiä ensimmäistä kertaa vasta finaalissa. Ensimmäisessä semifinaalissa esiintyivät vuonna 2024 semifinalistien lisäksi siis Iso-Britannia, Ruotsi ja Saksa ja toisessa semifinaalissa Espanja, Italia ja Ranska.
Euroviisut voittanut Ukraina julkaisi kappaleestaan koskettavan ..
Following the withdrawal of Alina Pash, UA:PBC stated that one of the entries that competed in the national final would be selected to represent Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 during the 18 February meeting. Kalush Orchestra were offered the proposal on 17 February, however it was later reported that they would refuse to sign the participation contract until the detailed results of the national final were released. On 22 February, simultaneously with the release of the detailed results, the group accepted the offer to represent Ukraine.
The final took place on 12 February 2022. Eight entries competed and the winner, "" performed by , was selected through the combination of votes from a public televote and an expert jury. Ties were decided in favour of the entries that received higher scores from the public televote. The jury panel consisted of (singer, actress and television presenter, represented Ukraine in ), (singer-songwriter, winner of the for Ukraine) and (UA:PBC Managing Board member). 77,843 votes were registered by the televote during the show. In addition to the performances of the competing entries, former Ukrainian Eurovision entrants Jamala, Tina Karol and (), as well as former Ukrainian Junior Eurovision entrants Darina Krasnovetska (), (), () and () performed as guests.
Ukrainan yleisradiolle antamassaan Sanina kertoi, että on henkisesti valmis osallistumaan Euroopan suurimpaan tapahtumaan.
Ukrainalaiset eivät tarvitse eivätkä halua sääliä, he tarvitsevat mahdollisuuden olla avuksi eurooppalaisille yhteiskunnille, jotka heitä auttavat. Antakaa heille se mahdollisuus!
Ukraina voitti Euroviisut odotetusti – Suomelle vain 38 pistettä
Euroviisut järjestettiin nyt 66. kerran. Viime vuonna Euroviisut voitti Italian Måneskin kappaleelle Zitti E Buoni, joka sai 524 pistettä. Suomen edustaja Blind Channel sijoittui puolestaan kuudenneksi 301 pisteellä.Sodan keskellä oleva Ukraina on voittanut vuoden 2022 euroviisut. Maata edusti Kalush Orchestra -yhtye kappaleellaan nimeltä Stefania.
Teresa & Maria | Ukraine | Official Music Video | Eurovision 2024
The selection of the competing entries for the national final and ultimately the Ukrainian Eurovision entry took place over three stages. In the first stage, artists and songwriters had the opportunity to apply for the competition either through an online submission form. Twenty-seven acts were longlisted and announced on 17 January 2022. The second stage involved the longlisted artists attending a scheduled audition during designated dates. Eight acts were selected and announced on 24 January 2022. The third stage was the televised final, which took place on 12 February 2022 and featured the eight acts vying to represent Ukraine in Turin. The winner was selected via the 50/50 combination of votes from a public televote and an expert jury. Both the public televote and the expert jury assigned scores ranging from 1 (lowest) to 8 (highest) and the entry that had the highest number of points following the combination of these scores was declared the winner. Viewers participating in the public televote had the opportunity to submit a single vote per phone number for each of the participating entries via SMS. In the event of a tie, the tie was decided in favour of the entry that received the highest score from the public televote.
Kommentti: Pulinat pois! Ukraina ansaitsi euroviisuvoittonsa
Tähän saumaan haluan kehottaa suomalaisia työnantajia olemaan pelkäämättä ukrainalaisia työnhakijoita ja heidän kielen osaamattomuutta. Nekin kandidaatit, joilla englanti ei taivu, tulevat oppimaan suomea varsin nopeasti. Ukrainan kieli on kieliopin vaikeusasteeltaan verrattavissa venäjään, joten suomi ei ole heille kuin 2-3 kuukauden rupeama.
Ukraina voitti euroviisut – Suomi 21
Vuoden 2024 Eurovision laulukilpailun tuotti Ruotsin yleisradioyhtiö (SVT). Vuoden 2024 ydintiimin jäsenet julkistettiin 14. kesäkuuta 2023 ja loput tuotantotiimin jäsenet ilmoitettiin 11. syyskuuta 2023. Ebba Adielsson toimi johtavana tuottajana, Christel Tholse Willers oli johtavan tuottajan varamies, Tobias Åberg toimi tuotannosta vastaavana johtajana, Johan Bernhagen johtavana linjatuottajana, Christer Björkman kilpailun tuottajana ja Per Blankens toimi . Lisäksi tuotantohenkilökuntaan kuuluivat David Wessén, lakiasioiden päällikkö Mats Lindgren, mediapäällikkö Madeleine Sinding-Larsen ja toimitusjohtajan assistentti Linnea Lopez. Edward af Sillén ja Daniel Réhn vastasivat suorien lähetysten juonto-osien käsikirjoituksesta sekä avajais- ja väliaikaesitysten suunnittelusta. Robin Hofwander, Daniel Jelinek ja Fredrik Bäcklund toimivat kilpailun monikameraohjaajina. Suurin osa vuoden 2024 tuotantotiimistä oli aiemmin työskennellyt tuotannon parissa vuosina 2000, 2013 ja 2016, kun Euroviisut edellisen kerran järjestettiin Ruotsissa.
Ukraina aikoo järjestää Euroviisut ensi vuonna, vaikka maassa on sota
was the sixth edition of , which selected the Ukrainian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. The competition took place at the NAU Center of Culture and Arts in and consisted of a final on 12 February 2022. The show was hosted by with as the backstage host, and broadcast on , via radio on with commentary by Oleksandr Zakharchenko and , and online via UA:PBC's official website as well as and broadcasts.
Ukraina voitti Euroviisut ylivoimaisesti
Following the start of the , UA:PBC and Kalush Orchestra had yet to formally comment on whether their Eurovision participation would continue. On 14 March, executive producers of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, and Simona Martorelli, confirmed that Ukraine would still be competing; this was later reaffirmed by the broadcaster on 19 March via a post on its social media pages. They added that work would commence on their 'live-on-tape' backup performance, which was planned to be recorded in . The Ukrainian delegation was later exempted from the requirement to do so, with their national final performance acting as the 'live-on-tape' that would be used in the event that the group was unable to travel to Turin. On 2 April, UA:PBC confirmed that Kalush Orchestra and the rest of the delegation were given permission from state authorities to travel to Turin for the contest, adding that the group would also take part in promotional events across Europe to raise donations for war relief efforts.