Latvian käännösten nopea toimitus

Since the year 2000, Latvia has had one of the highest (GDP) growth rates in Europe. However, the chiefly consumption-driven growth in Latvia resulted in the collapse of Latvian GDP in late 2008 and early 2009, exacerbated by the global economic crisis, shortage of credit and huge money resources used for the bailout of . The Latvian economy fell 18% in the first three months of 2009, the biggest fall in the European Union.

in Latvia is almost complete. Virtually all of the previously state-owned small and medium companies have been privatised, leaving only a small number of politically sensitive large state companies. The private sector accounted for 70% of the country's GDP in 2006.

Latvia is a member of the (1999) and the (2004). On 1 January 2014, the became the country's currency, superseding the . According to statistics in late 2013, 45% of the population supported the introduction of the euro, while 52% opposed it. Following the introduction of the Euro, Eurobarometer surveys in January 2014 showed support for the euro to be around 53%, close to the European average.

Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi maassa Latvia

Approximately 206,000 – including – have limited access to some political rights – only citizens are allowed to participate in parliamentary or municipal elections, although there are no limitations in regards to joining political parties or other political organizations. In 2011, the "urged Latvia to allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections." Additionally, there have been reports of police abuse of and arrestees, poor prison conditions and overcrowding, judicial corruption, incidents of violence against , and societal violence and incidents of government discrimination against homosexuals. is constitutionally prohibited in Latvia.

The country has a large community, which was guaranteed basic rights under the and ratified by the Latvian government.

More than 56% of leading positions are held by women in Latvia, which ranks first in Europe; Latvia ranks first in the world in women's rights sharing the position with five other European countries according to .

According to the reports by and the , human rights in Latvia are generally respected by the government: Latvia is ranked above-average among the world's sovereign states in democracy, , and .

Vuotta koulunkäyntiä keskimäärin maassa Latvia

Latvia co-operates with Estonia and Lithuania in several trilateral Baltic defence co-operation initiatives:

BKT asukasta kohden PPP-dollareissa maassa Latvia

Since March 2004, when the joined NATO, fighter jets of NATO members have been deployed on a rotational basis for the mission at in Lithuania to guard the Baltic airspace. Latvia participates in several : Civil-Military Co-operation in the Netherlands, in Estonia and Energy Security in Lithuania. It plans to establish the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence in Riga.

Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi maassa Latvia

Latvian civilian experts have contributed to EU civilian missions: border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine (2005–2009), rule of law missions in Iraq (2006 and 2007) and Kosovo (since 2008), police mission in Afghanistan (since 2007) and monitoring mission in Georgia (since 2008).

10 lapsesta on rokotettu tuhkarokkoa vastaan Latvia

Latvia participates in international peacekeeping and security operations. Latvian armed forces have contributed to and EU military operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1996–2009), Albania (1999), Kosovo (2000–2009), Macedonia (2003), Iraq (2005–2006), Afghanistan (since 2003), Somalia (since 2011) and Mali (since 2013). Latvia also took part in the US-led operation in Iraq (2003–2008) and missions in Georgia, Kosovo and Macedonia. Latvian armed forces contributed to a UK-led in 2013 and the in 2015 under the (CSDP) of the European Union. Latvia acts as the lead nation in the coordination of the for transportation of non-lethal cargo by air and rail to Afghanistan. It is part of the Nordic Transition Support Unit (NTSU), which renders joint force contributions in support of Afghan security structures ahead of the withdrawal of Nordic and Baltic ISAF forces in 2014. Since 1996 more than 3600 military personnel have participated in international operations, of whom 7 soldiers perished. Per capita, Latvia is one of the largest contributors to international military operations.

kuollutta lasta 1000 elävänä syntyttä lasta kohden maassa Latvia

On 21 April 2022, Latvian Saeima passed amendments developed by the Ministry of Defence for the legislative draft Amendments to the Law on Financing of National Defence, which provide for gradual increase in the defence budget to 2.5% of the country's GDP over the course of the next three year.

Politics in Latvia operate under a framework laid out in the .

The (Latvian: ) of Latvia consists of the , , , , , , , Training and Doctrine Command, and Logistics Command. Latvia's defence concept is based upon the Swedish-Finnish model of a rapid response force composed of a mobilisation base and a small group of career professionals. From 1 January 2007, Latvia switched to a professional fully contract-based army.

Latvian kansallislintu on ja on maan kansalliskukka.

Since February 2022 Latvia's relations with Russia have deteriorated to the extent that Latvia withdrew its ambassador from Russia and expelled Russia's ambassador to Latvia in January 2023 and banned Russians from entering Latvia.

Sanan latvia käännös englanti-suomi

Latvia hosted the and since then the annual Riga Conference has become a leading foreign and security policy forum in Northern Europe. Latvia held the in the first half of 2015.