You can see the back and lay odds below:
A matched betting calculator is a bit different to a regular as it will help you calculate how to place lay and back bets to unlock profit from the free bets offered by bookmakers. It’s an important tool because it shows you how much you need to stake with both the bookmaker and the betting exchange. It does this without any need for complicated maths, giving you a quick and easy answer with zero hassle!
You log on to the Betfair Exchange and see that they are currently available to Back at $5.40 or to Lay at $5.50. You decide you want to profit $100 by laying Richmond at that price.
Asettamalla "back"-vedon perinteiselle vedonvälittäjälle ja lay-vedon vedonvälityspalveluun varmistat kaikkien tulosten kattamisen ja bonuksen hyödyt. Tämä vaatii erityisiä työkaluja panosten tarkkaan laskemiseen, mutta se on testattu menetelmä tasaisten voittojen tuottamiseen, erityisesti kokeneille vedonlyöjille.
Backing and laying are simply opposites:
For the purpose of this example, we are going to show you how to place a lay bet on Paris Saint-Germain. Remember, this the same as backing Paris Saint-Germain not to win.
Many newcomers to Matched Betting assume that a lay bet works exactly the same way as a back bet, only against an outcome instead of for it. However, that isn’t at all the case. Because you’re effectively acting as the bookie, you’re responsible for paying out winnings to ‘your’ customer if their bet wins.
Lay-kertoimia asettaessa koeta asettaa itsesi perinteisen vedonlyöntitoimiston asemaan, joka tarjoaa kertoimia.
Näistähän löytyy oppaita netistä vaikka hurumykke, mutta ainakin tuolla Annabetin sivuilla on asia selitetty suht seikkaperäisesti ja vielä suomeksi.
Tuo excel-työkalu helpottaa kummasti lay-kertoimen laskemista.
When placing a lay bet, your liability is always removed from your account balance as Betfair has to assume the worst case scenario - that you lose your bet.
Liability = [lay odds x backer’s stake] – backer’s stake
Toinen haitta on riippuvuus vetojen vastaavuudesta. Vedonvälityspalvelussa lay-vetosi vahvistamiseksi toisen vedonlyöjän on hyväksyttävä vetosi tukemalla sitä. Jos kukaan ei ota vetoasi vastaan, sitä ei oteta huomioon, ja tämä voi olla turhauttavaa.
Mitä ne back- ja lay-sarakkeet ovat?
The key difference between lay and back betting is that when you 'lay' a bet, you are essentially acting as the bookmaker, taking the opposite side of the wager than a regular bet, and will be required to pay out when the bet is a winner. In a lay bet, the bettor stands to lose the agreed amount when the event in question happens but stands to win the same amount when it does not. Additionally, lay betting markets offer a greater chance of success over traditional betting markets, and often allow for higher returns.
How To: Lay Betting | Learn About Lay Betting | Betfair Hub
Lay betting is especially popular with sports traders. Often they will back and lay a particular market multiple times to continue to improve their position on an outcome.
Opas lay-vedonlyöntiin aloittelijoille
Lay-vedonlyönti ei kuitenkaan ole riskitöntä. Tarve suurelle varaukselle mahdollisten tappioiden kattamiseksi voi olla este joillekin. Jos asetat lay-vedon korkealla kertoimella, sinun on varattava suuri summa vastuusi kattamiseksi.
Vedonlyöntipörssi: Lay-veto eli vastaveto ..
Just make sure you have enough funds in your Betfair account to cover your liability or you won’t be able to place the lay bet.
To lay a bet simply means you are backing something not to happen
Liability is an important concept to understand when learning about lay betting. When you conventionally back a horse to win, the amount of money you can lose is your stake. I.e. if you bet £10 on a horse to win and it comes 3rd, it is only £10 you can lose. This is different in lay betting.
Back and Lay Betting Explained for Beginners | Goal Profits
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What is the meaning of lay and back in betting
Nyt minulla on siihen kuitenkin hyvä syy.
En vaan saa juurrutettua päähäni noita Lay ja Back käsitteitä, kun ne menevät mielestäni mahdollisimman ristiin .
Perinteinen vedonlyönti "Back"
Vedonlyönti myös, mutta tilattu kerroin "Lay"
Hyväksyy toisen tilauksen "Lay"
Tarjoaa kerrointa muille "Back"
Mielestäni mahdollisimman epäloogista.
In a nutshell, a lay bet is when you back an event NOT to happen
Just as you stand to lose your stake when backing Man City, a lay bet is opposite so you win your stake if Man City don't become champions.
If Man City do go on to lift the trophy, your liability will be determined by the lay price and, again, it's the opposite of backing.
In this case, it would be (£10 x 1.74) - £10 = £7.40