F0rest's real name is Patrik Lindberg.
Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg is a Swedish professional gamer, who is known for his consistent performance in competitive . Having played competitively since 2005, f0rest has widely gained a reputation within esports as one of the best-performing players in the world. He is best known for his time on the roster, contributing greatly to the dominance of the team in 2009, and breaking the record for the highest-earning team in history. f0rest moved from to near the end of 2010, where he remained with until mid-2012. He then transitioned over to and joined the team .
The gamer uses a Zowie S2 Divina Edition mouse with a 1000Hz rating. He sets the Raw input option on to capture every mouse movement, and the Mouse Acceleration option is disabled. The DPI setting is at 400, while the eDPI setting is at 824. These help him to move easily through the game and adjust direction without much strain. F0rest uses a 2.06 sensitivity while the zoom sensitivity is 0.92.
No primeiro ano na Fnatic, f0rest provou ser um sucesso, tendo a equipe ganhado mais de $100.000 USD sendo apurado pela Turtle Entertainment. Durante o ano de 2006, a Fnatic ganhou a Cyberathlete Professional League Championship, o World Tour, juntamente com uma na . f0rest foi mais uma vez nomeado para o eSports Awards e ganhou o prêmio Jogador do Ano do . No entanto, a Fnatic enfrentou uma grande crise em 2007 e 2008, a equipe não conseguiu vencer nenhum grande torneio e só conseguiu um punhado de medalhas. A equipe recuperou a sua forma e entrosamento em 2009, no entanto, com a aposentadoria de Oscar "Archi" Torgersen e Oscar "ins" Holm e a ingressão na equipe de e Rasmus "GuX" Ståh. Durante o ano de 2009, a Fnatic, foi a equipe mais forte no cenário, tendo conquistado medalhas de ouro no Global Challenge, European Finals and World Championship, ESWC 2009, e-Stars Seoul, KODE5 e World eSports Masters.. Em 2009, f0rest foi nomeado para o eSports Award 2009, na categoria "Regional eSports Jogador do Ano da Europa do Norte", mas perdeu para seu companheiro de equipe, GeT_RiGhT, que venceu a categoria principal eSports, Jogador do Ano.
F0rest's birthday is on June 10.
- Hopefully, I am given the opportunity for one last ride. Because I’m not satisfied with how it ended with Dignitas or NIP. (...) If anyone out there wants to give this boy a chance, then I can prove everybody wrong. Don’t hesitate to reach out, f0rest said in an episode of “Reflections” with Thorin.
- Put me in FaZe and I’m certain I would perform at a level that shock people. I’m not done [playing tier-1 CS:GO]. At the same time, I understand if people have their doubts because I am 34, I have to kids and a totally different scenario – but I’m still ready. I don’t think that people have explored what is possible within Counter-Strike, this is just the beginning. If you have Zlatan [Ibrahimovic] and [Cristiano] Ronaldo running around at 36-37, there is no stopping me neither.
At present, f0rest is ranked in highest overall earnings, and in highest earnings for players from .
In order to present you only the skins that f0rest currently owns, this list is automatically updated.
Patrik f0rest Lindbergs Counter-Strike Player Profile
Patrik Lindberg (born June 10, 1988), known by the f0rest, is a Swedish esports player who is considered to be one of the best players in the world. Having played competitively since 2005, Lindberg has been widely regarded within the esports scene as the greatest player in history. Lindberg is best known for his four years of tenure on the roster, which he helped bring to prominence as the dominant team of 2009, during which year the team broke the record for the highest-earning team in history. Near the end of 2010, Lindberg left Fnatic and joined , which he remained with until July 2012. Soon after, he transitioned over to and joined the team . In 2020, Lindberg left NiP to join .
Patrik Lindberg (@officialf0rest) • Instagram photos and videos
Before f0rest turned 18 years old, he earned in cash prizes from 6 tournaments. of his total prize money was earned before June 10, 2006.
f0rest CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config
The rarity of the USP-S | Forest Leaves is Industrial Grade, this means that this CSGO Pistol skin has a 0% drop chance which makes it a rather rare CSGO skin drop.
f0rest – My Best Pro CS:GO Highlights (2015-2022)
F0rest plays with the Boost Player Contrast, Multicore Rendering, and the FXAA Anti-Aliasing option enabled. To balance it all, he disables the Texture Streaming, Motion Blur, and Vertical Sync options. These settings make him an overall better gamer, and he can achieve the higher results he does in tournaments.
Who is f0rest, and will the Swedish Legend continue? | Episode 2
Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg, one of the most iconic Counter-Strike pros of all time, officially retired this Friday, Nov. 8.
Discover videos related to Forest Csgo on TikTok
The most money that f0rest has won from a single tournament was from on September 11, 2016. He placed 1st, making up of his total prize money won.
Counter-Strike legend f0rest retires after over 20 years competing
The pro-gamer uses an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 to achieve the highest picture quality and a higher refresh rate. He plays the game on fullscreen display, and the brightness level is at 80%. F0rest sets the Multisampling Anti-Aliasing mode on 4x MSAA and the texture Filtering Mode at Trilinear. He also sets the Global Shadow Quality at very low and the Shader Detail at very high.
Patrik f0rest Lindberg Counter-Strike Statistics
USP-S | Forest Leaves hinta vaihtelee $0.00 ja $141.97 välillä, mikä tekee siitä melko halpa CSGO nahan. Halvin USP-S | Forest Leaves on Souvenir Well-Worn ja se maksaa $0.00.